‘US Presidential Bios’ Category


#25. McKinley, William

Linda Lou Burton posting from Little Rock, Arkansas – William McKinley (January 29, 1843 – September 14, 1901) was the 25th president of the United States from 1897 until his assassination in 1901. William was one of seven presidents who rendered some type of service in the Civil War. I’m going to tell you what he did at Antietam, I mean, he just up and DID IT without being ordered. But first, what nudged William McKinley to volunteer for service? What was he doing, and what was happening around him? William was born in Ohio January 29, 1843, the seventh of William and Nancy Allison McKinley’s nine children. His father owned a small iron factory, and, it is said, instilled a strong work ethic in his children. His mother was devoutly religious, teaching her children the value of prayer, and honesty. There was fun stuff going on in the McKinley household, like fishing and hunting and swimming, but also a strong focus on education. William spent some time in college, but when family finances declined, took a job as a postal clerk. He was 18 on April 15, 1861 when, three days after an attack on Fort Sumter, President Lincoln issued a proclamation calling forth the state militias in order to suppress the rebellion. Thousands of Ohioans began volunteering; he and cousin William Osbourne joined up as privates in their hometown Guard that June. The Guard soon headed for Columbus and was consolidated with other units to form the 23rd Ohio Infantry.

When William mustered out of the Army in July 1865, his rank was brevet (honorary) Major and his list of stories so long he wound up with a book. That is, a diary; 72 pages of which are now preserved in the Ohio History Collections, note: The diary details his service with Company E of the 23rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry at Camp Jackson in Ohio and throughout Virginia. He mentions daily activities, including drill, visits, prayer meetings, and troop movements, … (he)also writes in detail about the Battle of Carnifex Ferry, his first major battle, including his fears and the actions of Major Rutherford B. Hayes, another future president.

He Wrote Stuff Down!

You know right away I’d invite this man to my party, just to talk about that diary. I’d definitely ask him about Antietam. In case you forgot your American history, the Battle of Antietam was a key turning point in the Civil War. The battle pitted Union General George McClellan against General Robert E. Lee’s Army and lasted 12 hours, resulting in 23,000 soldiers killed, wounded, or missing. It was the bloodiest single-day battle in American history, ending the Confederate Army’s first invasion into the North and leading Abraham Lincoln to issue the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation.

What 19-year-old William did that day isn’t a swashbuckling tale, but it was heroic in its simplicity. Major Rutherford Hayes, leader of the 23rd Ohio Infantry that day, described it this way: “Early in the afternoon, naturally enough, with the exertion required of the men, they were famished and thirsty, and to some extent broken in spirit. The commissary department of that brigade was under Sergeant McKinley’s administration and personal supervision. From his hands every man in the regiment was served with hot coffee and warm meats…. He passed under fire and delivered, with his own hands, these things, so essential for the men for whom he was laboring.” Today a monument in Antietam National Battlefield marks the spot, and honors William McKinley’s actions.

Death Can Be Fickle

William walked through fire at Antietam without injury. He fought to the end of a bloody war without injury (although once his horse was shot out from under him). But on September 6, 1901, at the Temple of Music during the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York, Leon Czolgosz walked up to him, pulled a gun he’d concealed with a handkerchief, and shot President William McKinley twice in the abdomen.

William was taken to the exposition aid station, urging his helpers to call off the mob that had set upon Czolgosz. Doctors were unable to find the second bullet, and William was moved to the home of John Milburn, president of the Pan-American Exposition Company, where he seemed to improve over the next few days. Members of his cabinet, who had rushed to Buffalo when hearing the news, dispersed; Vice President Roosevelt went ahead with a planned camping trip. Meanwhile, gangrene was growing on the walls of William’s stomach and slowly poisoning his blood. By the evening of the 13th, after drifting in and out of consciousness all day, he said “It is useless, gentlemen. I think we ought to have prayer.” As friends and relatives gathered around his bed, a sobbing First Lady Ida softly sang his favorite hymn. His final act was to comfort her. He died at 2:15 AM September 14.

Theodore Roosevelt rushed back to Buffalo and took the oath of office as the 26th president of the United States. Czolgosz, who claimed to be an anarchist, was put on trial for murder nine days later, and executed by electric chair October 29.

About Ida

Ida Saxton McKinley’s story is more ironically sad than William’s; I keep studying it and wondering how bright fortune could switch to such dark tragedy. Better get your hanky out before you read further. Born June 8, 1847 into one of Canton, Ohio’s wealthiest families, Ida and her siblings Mary and George grew up in the grand Saxton House. Parents James and Kate strongly believed in equal education for women; Ida was sent to good schools and excelled in her studies, a gifted scholar. She attended opera performances, classical music concerts, theatrical plays. She was inspired by one of her teachers to take long walks every day to build up physical fitness – a progressive idea at the time. On a grand tour of Europe after graduating, Ida and sister Mary hiked the Alps. Ida’s father hired her to work at his bank – a  typically males-only environment; she was so proficient she often managed the bank in her father’s absence. That’s where she was working when she met William. I’ll come back to that.

Two things in Ida’s early life caught my attention. One was the confidence her father placed in her; surely this bolstered her belief in possibilities. The other relates to a limbless artist who painted with his mouth she met in Amsterdam when she and sister Mary were on that European tour. Was this what inspired her to insist on living a full public life despite disabilities she developed later? Yes, disabilities.

Life With William

In 1870 Ida and William began serious courting; they were married January 25, 1871; (she was 23, he was 27) in a service attended by a thousand people. Ida was, after all, considered the belle of Canton, Ohio. Their first child, Katherine, was born on Christmas day that year. ”Katie” became the center of the household; Ida became pregnant again. About two weeks before the new baby’s birth Ida’s mother died of cancer; at the burial service Ida fell and struck her head while stepping out of a carriage. After a difficult delivery, the baby, a girl who was sickly from the start, died within four months. Obsessed with fear of losing her firstborn child too, Ida spent her days in a darkened room, weeping. And the worst happened. On June 24, 1875, Katie died.

Ida was plunged into a deep depression. Historians believe she became immunocompromised during that second pregnancy, which led to epileptic seizures. As her seizures worsened, she ate very little and prayed for her own death. William did everything he could to help her regain her “interest in existence,” offering to give up his political ambitions for her. But Ida insisted that he continue his increasingly successful career.

Tracking William

After mustering out of the Army in 1865, William decided to pursue a career in law. He studied with an attorney, then attended Albany Law School; in March 1867 he was admitted to the Ohio Bar and moved to Canton where he formed a partnership with George Belden, an experienced lawyer. And remember William’s connection with Rutherford Hayes that began during the war? They stayed friends, and when Rutherford was nominated for governor in 1867, William made speeches on his behalf. That edged him into politics.

In 1869 he ran for the office of prosecuting attorney and was elected. In 1876, the year after Katie’s death, he followed Ida’s urging to stay on his chosen path – he campaigned for a congressional seat while campaigning for Rutherford Hayes for president. Both William and Rutherford won.

  • 1877-1883 Congressman US House of Representatives
  • 1885-1891 Congressman US House of Representatives
  • 1892-1896 Governor of Ohio
  • 1897-1901 President of the United States

William’s inauguration as the 25th president took place March 4, 1897 in front of the Old Senate Chamber at the capitol. And yes, Ida was there. She was present at the inaugural ball that evening too, wearing a lavish gown that made all the news. But, accompanied by William, she left early. This set the stage; Ida’s attendance at functions thereafter was sporadic due to the unpredictability of her seizures. William took great care to accommodate Ida’s condition. At state dinners she sat beside him rather than, as was tradition, at the opposite end of the table. William kept a handkerchief in his pocket so that in case of a seizure he could cover her contorted face. Once it passed, he’d remove the handkerchief and go on, as though nothing had happened.

Stop! Reread that sentence! Does that sound a little bit like Antietam to you? No matter what the surrounding circumstances, recognizing someone’s need, and taking care of it? Well, you might say, why didn’t he just hide the poor woman away and ignore the problem; or why didn’t she just stay the hell in a darkened room?

William and Ida just didn’t do things that way. And William was elected for a second term.

The unemployment rate had dropped from 14.5% in 1896 to 5% in 1900. William was seen as a “victorious commander in chief” due to the Spanish-American war. Was campaign strategy the determining factor in winning a second term? Or was it character? Probably a little bit of all. But think back to Antietam and how he got hot coffee to his men, and those state dinners and how he cared for Ida; well, he just DID it. He didn’t back off, or hide from a situation. During his presidency he invited the press to regular briefings. He traveled widely attending public ceremonies and meeting his constituency. He was not a charismatic leader, but people who knew him generally liked him. What a sad, sad loss that September day.

The memorials.

Ida was 54 when her husband died that day in Buffalo. Somehow she maintained the strength to stay by his side those seven days after he was shot, but could not bring herself to attend his funeral. She visited William’s grave every day until her death May 26, 1907. In Canton today you can visit the McKinley Memorial Mausoleum and the graves of William, Ida, Katie, and baby Ida; as well as the Saxton House, now a First Ladies National Historic Site.

And don’t forget Antietam, there in Maryland.


#24. Cleveland, Grover

Linda Lou Burton posting from Little Rock, Arkansas – Stephen Grover Cleveland (March 18, 1837 – June 24, 1908) was the 24th president of the United States, from 1893 to 1897. He was also the 22nd president of the United States, we talked about him just two days ago. It’s tempting to reference Jack Nicholson’s famous line in The Shining when we think about the Cleveland’s return to the White House – “Honey I’m Home!” But it was a far different White House than they’d left, due to Caroline Harrison’s non-stop renovation and clean-up buzz. Frances Cleveland must have been pleased with more bathrooms, and fewer rats. Grover however, was faced with a political disaster. And lots more rats. The Panic of 1893 struck the stock market, and the economic downturn was laid squarely and unfairly at Grover’s feet. Twelve days before he was inaugurated the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad went bankrupt, that was one clear sign the nation’s economy was already in serious trouble. The 1892 cotton crop had been poor, the cash flow from foreign investors was down due to financial crises in Europe and South America. There was no central banking system in the US, so the government had little control over the money supply. It’s a wonder Grover didn’t turn around before he even unpacked.

But They Like Me

He did have some things to smile about though. Three times in a row he’d won the popular vote in a nationwide presidential election! He knew for sure he had supporters out there, somewhere. And two of those times he’d won the most ELECTORAL votes, the last by huge margins – 277 to 145. He had a nice family by his side this time around; daughter Ruth was 17 months old, and Frances, pregnant for the second time, was as pretty as ever, but with a softer, more maternal glow. Now she was aware of the responsibilities of being the wife of a president, though one role was reversed. This time she was the protector in their relationship. Frances recognized how much more difficult things were for Grover. As panic spread across the country, she witnessed a steady decline in his health. He tired more easily, and shockingly, was diagnosed with oral cancer just three months after being back on the job. Frances took responsibility for keeping his condition secret; his doctors agreed and performed the complex operation on a yacht moored off Cape Cod. The tumor on the roof of his mouth, his left jawbone, and five teeth were removed; his speech was affected. Frances wrote letters on his behalf, blaming “rheumatism” for his absences.

The science of the day was able to make a prothesis that corrected the most obvious problems – the shape of his face was brought back into alignment, his famous mustache was untouched, and he was able to speak clearly. Amazingly, that surgery remained a secret until sometime after Grover’s death in 1908.


Privacy is hard to come by when you are famous. Back in Term 1, when the press clung to Frances like white on rice, Grover bought an “Escape House” for occasional relief. Woodley Mansion, situated on a hill with a sweeping view of its 29-acre grounds, was built back in 1802 and wasn’t too far from the White House. If you’ve ever been in DC in the summertime, you know how humid and miserable the lower parts of the city can be, so imagine those days before centralized air conditioning. A house on a hill is more apt to catch a breeze, and if you’re one of those folks who can’t leave town in the summer (or if you’re pregnant), you need a breeze. Martin Van Buren escaped to Woodley during his presidency; Grover and Frances took advantage of its cool spaciousness twice; the first time was to protect Frances, the second was more about protecting Grover, and the children. Frances was not in favor of exposing the Cleveland children to public view! And since she wound up being not only the first (and youngest) person to marry in the White House, and then the first to have a baby in the White House (Esther was born September 9, 1893), and then a third pregnancy (Marion was born July 7, 1895 at Gray Gables) the pressure simply never let up. For her, or for Grover.


Let’s cut straight to the chase. Grover couldn’t fix the country. He didn’t mind hard work. He hated wastefulness and corruption. And he wasn’t afraid to say, and do, what he believed to be right. So why didn’t that work? American historian Henry Graff  (1921-2020) wrote this about Grover’s actions during his presidency:

…his reluctance to provide the country with a clear, ideological direction or to bend Congress to his will indicated his conception of his duties. In his mind, it was enough for him to be hard working, honest, and independent.”

I call to your attention a poem I studied in high school (we all did) written in 1895 while Grover was in office: “If” by Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936). Remember it?

“If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, but make allowance for their doubting too; If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, or being lied about, don’t deal in lies.…”

Rudyard could have been speaking directly to Grover, it seems. But Kipling, a British poet born in India, was writing to his son, inspired by an event during the Boer wars in South Africa. As what we now dub the Victorian Age was coming to an end, the entire world was undergoing drastic changes. And in the United States, as hundreds of banks and businesses failed and unemployment rates rose to 20%, Grover distanced himself from party machines, made decisions he believed were good, and was endlessly pelted. When offered the opportunity for a third term, he refused.

Or being lied about…

Two stories niggled at Grover’s craw to the last – you can believe the worst versions, or dismiss them as mud-slinging meanness. The “Illegitimate Child” story was cartooned during his first run for President in 1884 as the juicy tidbit “Ma Ma, Where’s My Pa?” It referred to an event ten years earlier when Grover was practicing law in Buffalo. A 38-year-old widow named Maria Halpin claimed he was the father of her child. Admitting the child “could have been” his, he made provisions for the boy’s care. From that point the stories go in vastly different directions. Grover took advantage of her. Took the child away from her. Had her committed to an insane asylum. OR: Lots of fellows visited Maria including Grover’s law partner Oscar Folsom, but all the other guys were married. Grover was a 37-year old bachelor with no wife to upset, so he shouldered the blame. Whatever is true, and to what degree, the boy’s name was recorded as Oscar Folsom Cleveland.

The “Unpaid Veteran” story involves a man named George Brinski. Born in Poland, George arrived in America in 1851. He worked shipping lines in the Atlantic until 1860, then switched to the Great Lakes route between Chicago and Buffalo. In 1863 Grover’s name was pulled for the Union draft. A provision of the Enrollment Act of 1863 allowed the hiring of a substitute, and about 10% of the 290,000 whose name was drawn did just that. Grover was Assistant District Attorney in Erie County at the time, at age 26 single and supporting his mother and younger sisters. On August 5 he hired George Brinski to take his place and George was sworn in to Company F of the 76th New York Infantry. Before he saw action he was injured while working on a supply train, and reassigned as a hospital handyman. On August 11, 1865 he was mustered out of the army and returned to working on the lakes. It was 1885 when George came to the newly inaugurated president and asked for help, which Grover reportedly refused. George died in 1887. Which is true – in 1863 did Grover honor duty to his mother or shirk duty to his country? In 1885 did Grover ignore a sick old man or was George just asking for a handout? It is true that on February 11, 1887 Grover vetoed House bill 10457 “An act for the relief of …honorably discharged soldiers and sailors who are now disabled…” which would have provided pensions to veterans who became disabled in the years after their military service and not because of it. A hot issue.

If you can keep your head…

It’s much easier to measure the size of a lake when you’re not sitting in the middle of the puddle. Analyzing Grover’s character (would I invite this man to my party?) is easier now than back when all the squabbling was going on. When Grover and Frances left the White House on March 4, 1897, they moved to Princeton; son Richard was born that October. For a time Grover was a trustee at Princeton University. When Theodore Roosevelt took office in 1901, Grover often consulted with him. Another son, Francis, was born in 1903. In 1906 a group of New Jersey Democrats considered Grover a possible candidate for the Senate. But his health had worsened, and on June 24, 1908 he died after suffering a heart attack. He was 71. Out of all that has been said about Grover, I think his deathbed words explain him best – “I have tried so hard to do right.”

When Grover died, Frances was 44 years old and the four children were ages 5 to 15 – the oldest, Ruth, had died of diphtheria 4 years earlier. Frances and the oldest two children attended the memorial service for Grover at Carnegie Hall in March 1909; President William Howard Taft, Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court Melville Fuller, New York Governor Charles Evans Hughes, and New York City Mayor George McClellan were among the speakers at this tribute. The New York Times headlines read: CARNEGIE HALL FILLED AS NATIONAL LEADERS EULOGIZE CLEVELAND: CALLED IDEAL AMERICAN.

Frances. And Then.

Refusing the widow’s pension she was legally entitled to, in September Frances headed for Europe with her children, where they stayed till the following May. Three years later she married Thomas Preston, a professor of archaeology and acting president at Wells College where she still served as a trustee. The Prestons moved to London in 1914, but when World War I began, they returned to the United States. Frances was appointed head of the speakers bureau of the National Security League where she was responsible for organizing rallies and other events to support the war effort.

Frances became more outspoken in her political beliefs as she grew older. She was an opponent of women’s suffrage; however she did begin voting after the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment. She supported Franklin Roosevelt as president in 1932, and then Harry Truman. During the Truman presidency she was invited to a luncheon at the White House where she met General Dwight Eisenhower. As the story goes, Eisenhower didn’t recognize her and asked where in the city she used to live. Her answer (and don’t you know she was hiding a mischievous smile): “The White House.”

Frances died in her sleep October 29, 1947 at son Richard’s home in Baltimore, where she’d come to help him celebrate his 50th birthday. She was 83. Three graves rowed side by side in Princeton’s Nassau Cemetery bear the Cleveland name today: Ruth Cleveland 1904, Grover Cleveland 1908, and Frances Cleveland 1947.

My favorite “Frances Story” is how she wowed the White House staff because she’d get down on the floor to play with her children, something they’d never seen a First Lady do. I think I’d want those kids to come to my party too. Stories to tell?


#23. Harrison, Benjamin

Linda Lou Burton posting from Little Rock, Arkansas – Benjamin Harrison VIII (August 20, 1833 – March 13, 1901) was the 23rd president of the United States from 1889 to 1893. The history books tell you he was “a member of the Harrison family of Virginia,” but I’m telling you he’s your ace ticket for scoring big trivia points with the Harrison name. It pops up everywhere! His great-grandfather Benjamin Harrison V (1726-1791) was a Founding Father who signed the Declaration of Independence. I looked it up, his signature is right under that other famous Virginian, Th Jefferson, in the section below John Hancock. And his grandfather was the ninth President of the United States. For one whole month. Yes, William Henry Harrison (1773-1841) was the first president to die in office and served the shortest term of any president in history. His inaugural speech was the longest ever delivered; and at 68 he was the oldest man (at that time) to ever take office. One of William Henry’s ten children was John Scott Harrison (1804-1878), who represented the state of Ohio for a couple of terms in Congress, dabbling in politics and farming and fathering thirteen children. And one of his children was – yep – Benjamin Harrison VIII. Just think – John’s father was President of the United States and John’s son was President of the United States. That gives him bragging rights not one other person can claim. The Harrison name meant one thing for sure – anyone born with it had a lot to live up to.

What kind of man did Benjamin VIII turn out to be? Actually a pretty nice, well rounded, family oriented fellow. Not only his children lived in the White House with him and First Lady Caroline, but his grandchildren too. One of the most bandied-about stories of his White House residency reports Benjamin holding on to his top hat while chasing a runaway goat down Pennsylvania Avenue. “Old Whiskers” was his grandchildren’s pet, and every afternoon was playtime on the White House lawn. Until that day the goat took off with the grandkids!

The Long and Winding

“Old Whiskers” was just one of many “runaway goats” Benjamin faced during those four White House years, which was a place he never really sought to be. How did he wind up there? A long and winding road, it seems, with an overriding theme. Benjamin followed the good course, dutifully fitting in as he perceived what was expected of him. He was the second-born of ten children, a big-brother role; and, as his parents wanted him to have a good education, he studied. First in a log-cabin schoolhouse, then at age fourteen he and big brother Irwin enrolled at Farmer’s College in Cincinnati where he met Caroline Lavinia Scott; her father was a professor there, and a Presbyterian minister. In two years he transferred to Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, joined Phi Delta Theta and Delta Chi (a law fraternity), and joined the Presbyterian church.

In 1852 he graduated and began to study law with Judge Bellamy Storer in Cincinnati; in 1853 he married Caroline (her father performed the ceremony) and in 1854 he was admitted to the Ohio Bar, sold some property he’d inherited and moved to Indianapolis, began practicing law, and had a son! (Russell Harrison). At that point – do the math – he was just 21 years old.

The years ticked on – he and Caroline were active in the church; in 1856 he joined the newly formed Republican party; in 1857 he was elected city attorney for Indianapolis; in 1858 daughter Mary was born. It was a sensible life, on track. In 1860 he established a new law partnership with William Fishback; but note the year. 1860, and the beginning of war.

If I Can Be Of Service

When Lincoln called for more recruits for the Union Army in 1862, Benjamin struggled with the idea – should he answer the call, or take care of his young family? But he told Ohio’s governor Oliver Morton “If I can be of service, I will go.” He was asked to recruit a regiment, which he did. He was commissioned as a captain and company commander in July of 1862. By August Morton commissioned him colonel, the 70th Indiana was mustered into service, and the regiment left to join the Union Army at Louisville, Kentucky.

Benjamin fought in the Battles of Resaca, New Hope Church, Kennesaw Mountain, Marietta, Peachtree Creek, Atlanta, and as Sherman continued his march, the Battle of Nashville. Lincoln nominated him to the grade of brevet (honorary) Brigadier General of volunteers in January 1865. On April 9 a Union victory was declared and Benjamin mustered out with the 70th Indiana on June 8, 1865. He returned home after serving with honor, and without injury.

Back To Lawyering. Plus.

Over the next 20 years Benjamin built up a reputation as one of Indiana’s leading lawyers. He ran for Governor (didn’t win); he ran for Senator (and won, once). He made speeches on behalf of Republican candidates. He made money. And, next thing you know, it’s 1888 and there he is on the Republican ticket. He won. He didn’t get the most POPULAR votes, remember. But it’s those ELECTORAL votes that claim the winner. His inauguration was big fun, he kept his speech much shorter than his granddad did; and John Philip Sousa’s Marine Band played at the Inaugural Ball that evening. The Harrison family was In Again. But Benjamin didn’t much like “in.” He was hounded by job seekers, particularly those who expected rewards for their campaign support. Benjamin had made no political bargains, but his supporters had made many pledges on his behalf. Benjamin hated the constant nab and grab atmosphere, in fact, he even complained about his office space: “There is only a door—one that is never locked—between the president’s office and what are not very accurately called his private apartments.”

Well then. Enter Caroline.

First Lady Caroline didn’t care much for the White House either. She refused the “meet and greet” hostessing duties, leaving those to daughter Mary and daughter-in-law Mary while she continued her extensive charity work, artistic pursuits, and general domestic surveillance. The White House was in terrible condition when the Harrisons moved in – floors were rotted out, rats scurried everywhere, and there was only one bathroom for the family to use! The Harrison crew was huge – in addition to Benjamin and Caroline, their two children Russell (35) and Mary (31) lived there with their families; it was also home to Caroline’s father, sister, and widowed niece Mary Scott Dimmick (31), who served as Caroline’s assistant.

Caroline w her father, daughter, and grandchildren.

Caroline took particular issue with the fact that room arrangements allowed visitors access to family quarters. She wanted to reconstruct the White House, drawing new plans with architect Frederick Owen. But Congress would not fund it, allocating $35,000 for updating instead. She consulted with Thomas Edison to bring electricity into the White House, but he concluded the building wasn’t safe enough in its present state to incorporate the wiring.

With the allocated funds Caroline moved ahead; she had all rooms repainted and carpets and upholstery replaced. She purchased new furniture. She had a heating system and more bathrooms installed and the kitchen modernized. Some electrical wiring was installed to supplement the gas lighting. As to the rat problem – ferrets were released to take care of that. Caroline was on a roll: the musty old basement was redone with concrete floors and tiled walls; the Green Room was redone in rococo style. By the time she finished, she had redone everything. And with a clever marketing eye, she arranged publicity photos including her very popular grandchildren against the backdrop of all this prettiness. Overall, Caroline genuinely cared about the White House. She had all White House furniture accounted for, and documented the history of every item. She ended the practice of selling off furnishings at the end of an administration – like the Resolute Desk, which still serves presidents to this day.

And Just Like That

Caroline’s list of accomplishments is astonishing. She supported women’s rights. She supported education. She raised funds for the Johns Hopkins University Medical School on the condition that it admit women, which it did – the first in the US to do so. She co-founded the Daughters of the American Revolution. She was the first First Lady to make a public speech. And in the midst of it all, on October 25, 1892, just two weeks before Benjamin was defeated for reelection, Caroline died. She’d spent the summer in the Adirondacks after her diagnosis of tuberculosis; her weakening condition affected the presidential campaign. Was it tuberculosis that ultimately killed her, or suspicion? Hold that thought.

Historians today credit Benjamin with doing more to move the nation along the path to world empire than any other, setting the agenda for the next thirty years of foreign policy. He began to build up the Navy – the USS Texas in 1892 was the country’s first battleship; a total of seven ships were started during this period. The country grew – six far west states were admitted to the Union during his presidency – Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, North and South Dakota.

But he also chased a lot of “runaway goats” (while holding onto his hat?) as he and what became known as his Billion Dollar Congress failed to recognize the massive industrial changes and economic hardships that existed, causing railroads and banks and businesses to topple within days of his retirement.

It was a mess. And Grover Cleveland, the Veto Guy, was back in.



Remember my comment about Caroline’s death? That word “suspicion”? Well, Benjamin went on to marry Mary Scott Dimmick. Remember her, Caroline’s widowed niece? The one Caroline brought to the White House as her personal assistant? Some say Mary Dimmick’s romance with Benjamin began while he was in the White House. Did it? We know that Benjamin went back to Indianapolis when he left the White House in 1893, then lived in San Francisco for a while, giving lectures on law at Stanford University. He served on the Board of Trustees at Purdue University, wrote articles about the Federal government, published a book. He didn’t marry Mary until 1896.

Whatever the truth, Benjamin’s children were horrified. They refused to attend the wedding and were never close again. Did Benjamin give a hoot? Maybe not. Maybe he was enjoying his new life free from the expectations he’d dealt with for so many years. He and Mary had a baby right away, daughter Elizabeth. And Benjamin stayed busy doing lawyering things. Worldwide. My gosh, he attended the First Peace Conference at the Hague in 1899; he served on a special committee for creed revision in the national Presbyterian General Assembly. He kept going, clear up to his death in Indianapolis March 13, 1901 from pneumonia.

Side by Side

Benjamin was buried in Crown Hill Cemetery in Indianapolis beside Caroline. Mary lived another 47 years in Indianapolis, in the house from which Caroline hosted the “front porch speeches” that helped Benjamin get elected president. When Mary died in 1948, she was buried in Crown Hill Cemetery, alongside Benjamin. And Caroline.

Would I invite Benjamin to my party? Probably not. He was a hardworking man but seemed to focus on doing what he thought people expected him to do. And that very quality might cause a problem. I mean – which wife would he bring?


#22. Cleveland, Grover

Linda Lou Burton posting from Little Rock, Arkansas – Stephen Grover Cleveland (March 18, 1837 – June 24, 1908) was the 22nd president of the United States, from 1885-1889. He was also the 24th president of the United States, from 1893-1897, the only president in American history (as of this writing) to serve two non-consecutive terms in office. Grover Cleveland graces the history books as a man of firsts. He was the first Democrat elected after the Civil War. He was the first president to get married in the White House, and, if you want a really unusual “first” tidbit about this man – he was no doubt the first to marry a woman whose baby carriage he bought some twenty years earlier! Yes, Grover was much older than pretty Miss Frances Folsom; she was 21 to his 49 when their wedding took place in the Blue Room of the White House June 2, 1886.

Uncle Cleve’s Gift

How in the world did such a romance come about? Did he really buy her baby carriage? Apparently so. You see, back in 1864 when she was born, Grover and Oscar Folsom were law partners in Buffalo, New York, so Grover was a natural part of the Folsom household. It makes sense that he presented the family with a nice gift to celebrate their baby’s birth. And later, when Oscar died in a carriage accident, it also follows logically that “Uncle Cleve” would help manage the Folsom estate and guide little Frances through her educational choices and opportunities. Frances was 11 when her father was killed; she had already been to French kindergarten and Miss Bissell’s School for Young Ladies and was on her way to an education most girls of her time did not have. Why was Grover determined this would continue for her? His own childhood, perhaps? His father died when he was 16.

Richard Falley Cleveland was Yale-educated, and as a Presbyterian minister, served churches in small towns in central New York and moved the family often. Grover was the fifth of nine children born to Richard and Ann – girls Ann, Margaret, Mary, Susan and Rose; boys Richard, Lewis, William and Grover. Stephen Grover Cleveland knew about the rigors and complexity of living in a big family with a small income. He was a fun-loving kid, but always worked to help keep things afloat. After his father’s death he had to forego more formal education to help support his mother and sisters. He worked with an older brother, then as a clerk and part-time law student in Buffalo. He never attended college, but was admitted to the bar in 1858 when he was 22.

Moving On Up

His career stair-stepped from being a hardworking lawyer to running for District Attorney, which he lost, to running for Sheriff of Erie County, New York; which, with the help of friend and partner Oscar Folsom, he won. From Sheriff to Mayor of Buffalo next, then Governor of New York, and THEN, President of the United States just three years after his mayoring duties ended, receiving 4,879,507 votes from the American voting public.

What was unique (and catching) about this man’s personality? Would I invite him to my party? I think I probably would. And, I think he’d come, at least if I promised a summer evening’s barbecue out in the back yard where deer occasionally wander. My favorite quote in all the chutzpah of political posturing is what he reputedly wrote to a friend after he moved into the White House: “I must go to dinner but I wish it was to eat a pickled herring a Swiss cheese and a chop at Louis’ instead of the French stuff I shall find.”

An Ordinary Guy

There was nothing fancy-schmancy about Grover. Even though his early hard work and reputation as a good lawyer brought in a good income, he chose to live simply. He lived in a boarding house. He took care of his mother and sisters. He led an active social life, though not the least interested in “high society.” Grover preferred an easy-going sociability – drinking with his buddies, poker parties, hunting, fishing, and Democratic organizational work. Building alliances, establishing connections, figuring out how things worked. And how they didn’t. Now, another thing to note about this pragmatic fellow: he wasn’t afraid to VETO anything he considered wasteful and corrupt. He did it as Mayor, he did it as Governor, and he did it as President. But before we talk about why he didn’t get re-elected in 1888, let’s go back to his romance with pretty young Frances.

Grover was a confirmed bachelor and FAT when he moved into the White House (not to be blunt, but hey, 280 pounds?). Frances was a beautiful young woman, with a well-educated head on her shoulders (all that guidance, remember). At Wells College in Aurora, New York she was a prominent student – she was interested in political science and was a member of the campus debate club. She was popular; in fact, she once received two marriage proposals on the same day! Didn’t marry though. Grover was Governor of New York at that time, and as always, stayed in touch with Frances. He wrote to her and sent her flowers from time to time.

Frances missed his Presidential inauguration because of final exams that day (and the school’s intolerance for not showing up), but she and her mother visited the White House a few weeks later. She liked Washington, and she liked the White House. Can you imagine the thrill of walking the grounds every evening with this new President, or hanging out in the East Room? She even got to go up in the Washington Monument before it opened!

And Just Like Magic

Frances graduated and spent the summer at her grandfather’s home. Grover took care of his new presidential duties with his sister Rose serving as White House hostess. But things had clicked between Grover and Frances. He proposed. By letter. And Frances accepted. Frances wanted to get married right away, but her mother, AND Grover, insisted she travel and think about her future before marriage. She began a year-long tour of Europe with her mother. Rumors of an engagement were considered gossip; after all, Grover’s attachments had often made the news. So you can guess what happened when reporters caught the Folsoms shopping for a wedding gown in Paris!

By the time they returned from Europe reporters were tracking them. The minute the White House made an official announcement, Frances became a celebrity. And gosh, was that gal popular! Much of the media coverage focused on her appearance. Her style was imitated by women everywhere – the clothing she wore, even her hair. The “a la Cleveland” was a low knot over a shaved nape; her daring décolletage was all the news – she even exposed her arms!

But First Lady Frances took over her White House duties like a pro from the start. She maintained an openness with the public – for instance, in order to accommodate all who wanted to visit the White House, she hosted additional social events on Saturdays so working women could come. She read all the mail that came to her, including countless requests asking her to influence her husband in granting patronage jobs. She maintained close relationships with White House staff. She stayed involved with Wells College too, taking a seat on its board of trustees. Frances was so popular with the public that it served her husband’s administration well – Grover’s political opponents recognized the difficulty of attacking the administration when the First Lady was so well loved.

And gruff old Grover set aside time every day to spend with her – they went to the theater together (can you believe?). They took carriage rides! And they had babies, though not during that first term. They eventually had five children, but let’s go back to politics for a moment and look at what was rumbling around the country during Grover’s first term and how in heck a man with such a beloved spouse would get kicked out after only four years.

When I Say No I Mean No

Remember what I said about his penchant for the VETO? In his first term as president, Grover vetoed 414 congressional proposals! His predecessor’s record? 12 vetoes, in fact, no other president had come anywhere close. But Grover believed in honest politicking and small government in a time of notorious “Gilded Age” corruption. Some people will love you when you have the courage to stand up and block congressional proposals. And some people will not. Don’t forget how media coverage can slant, and campaign funding can pressure.

Grover’s comment about all of this? “What’s the point of getting re-elected,” he said, “if you don’t stand for anything?”

Tariff policy was the principal issue in the 1888 election. Grover believed that high tariffs were unfair to consumers, and proposed a dramatic reduction. His opponent’s well-funded campaign sided with industrialists and factory workers who wanted to keep tariffs high. Grover stuck with the presidential tradition of the time for an incumbent – making no speeches. The bulk of the campaigning was left to Thurman.

And yet Grover Cleveland won 48.6% of the POPULAR vote to his opponents 47.8%! Nevertheless, Benjamin Harrison received 233 ELECTORAL votes to Grover Cleveland’s 168.

Frances Cleveland’s instructions to the staff as she left the White House? “Take good care of the furniture and the house. We’ll be back in four years.” They headed for New York City where Grover took a position with a law firm, though most of their time they spent at Gray Gables, their vacation home on Cape Cod. Grover took up fishing, and Frances had a baby. They named her Ruth.

Currier & Ives Portrait



#21. Arthur, Chester A

Linda Lou Burton posting from Little Rock, Arkansas – Chester Alan Arthur (October 5, 1829 – November 18, 1886) was the 21st president of the United States, from 1881 to 1885, coming into office upon the death of President James Garfield. There is something sadly endearing about this man, if you look carefully. I’d always pictured Chester, known as “Elegant Arthur” and “Gentlemen Boss,” as a rather portly man who came up through political appointment. But once he assumed the office of President, he followed an honorable path, to the surprise of reformers. He advocated and enforced the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act, something Hayes had worked towards and Garfield pioneered – the awarding of federal jobs based on merit, and not the spoils system. He overcame a negative reputation and left the presidency “more generally respected, alike by political friend and foe.” Mark Twain said of Chester “No duty was neglected in his administration.”

Endearing? Consider his feelings about his wife Nell, who died before he became president. Chester deeply mourned the loss of Nell, and ordered fresh flowers placed daily before her portrait in the White House. He could see St John’s Episcopal Church from the Oval Office, so commissioned a Tiffany stained glass window dedicated to his wife installed in the church, specifying that it be lighted so he could view it at night. Chester never remarried, and was quite protective of his children – son Alan was at Princeton during the White House years, and daughter Ellen, who was 9 at the beginning, was sheltered from the public eye. Chester is credited with saying “I may be president of the United States, but my private life is nobody’s damned business.” Just days before he died, he burned all his personal and official papers. Would I invite this man to my party? Well, yes, I think I would, though I doubt such a private person would come.

How It All Began

Chester’s father William was born in Ireland, graduated from college in Belfast, and emigrated to Canada where he began teaching school near the Vermont border. He married schoolteacher Malvina Stone in 1821 and together they had nine children – Chester was the fifth-born. William studied law for a bit, but eventually became a Freewill Baptist minister. He was also a staunch abolitionist, frequently at odds with his congregation, so the family moved a lot, living in a number of towns in Vermont before eventually settling in Schenectady, New York. Despite the frequent school changes, Chester did well, and in 1845 enrolled at Schenectady’s Union College, following the traditional classical curriculum. In his senior year he was president of the debate society, and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa; during breaks, he taught school. From the time of his graduation in 1848 he taught school and studied law, eventually moving to New York city. He was admitted to the New York bar in 1854 and joined the firm of Erastus Culver, an abolitionist lawyer and family friend. Can you see where this is going?

In one of his first cases as lead attorney, Chester represented Elizabeth Jennings Graham after she was denied a seat on a streetcar because she was black. He won the case and the verdict led to the desegregation of New York city’s streetcar lines. An auspicious beginning! In 1856 Chester started a new law partnership with friend Henry Gardiner; the two traveled to Kansas to set up a practice there. At the time, Kansas was undergoing a brutal struggle between pro and anti-slavery forces. The two New Yorkers didn’t like “frontier life” however and after four months came back to New York. In 1859 Chester really “settled down” – he married Ellen (Nell) Herndon; he was 30, she was 22. Chester had grown up in rural Vermont, remember. But Nell’s family was socially prominent – she was friends with the Vanderbilts, Astors, and Roosevelts. Her social network widened Chester’s political contacts and her mother’s wealth allowed Chester and Nell luxuries such as a Tiffany-furnished three-story brownstone townhouse on Lexington Avenue. Chester devoted himself to the New York Republican party, rising through political patronage to the position of Adjutant General of New York, with a US Army rank of brigadier general. Nell was a talented soprano who sang with the Mendelssohn Glee Club and performed at benefits around New York. They had three children together, and what appeared to be a strong marriage.

The Unexpected Deaths

Chester and Nell lost their firstborn son in 1863; he died of convulsions at age two and a half, a devastating event. On January 10, 1880, Nell Arthur came down with a cold. She quickly developed pneumonia and died two days later at age 42; another unexpected and devastating event. Chester was 50 by then; son Alan was 16 and daughter Ellen 9. Chester was elected Vice President of the United States that November, on the ticket with James Garfield as President; they were sworn in on March 4, 1881. And then, yet another unexpected death; James Garfield was shot on July 2, 1881 and lingered until September 19.

Chester was in New York when he learned that James Garfield had been shot. No one was sure who, if anyone, could exercise presidential authority. Chester was reluctant to be seen acting as president while the president still lived; there were conspiracy theories due to the fact that Garfield’s assassin loudly proclaimed “Arthur is president now!” Chester refused to travel to Washington and was at his home on Lexington Avenue in New York on September 19 when he learned that Garfield had died. Just after midnight Chester dispatched messengers to locate a judge who could administer the presidential oath. At 2:15 am on September 20 John Brady, a Justice of the New York Supreme Court, administered the oath of office in Chester’s home.

Next Actions

Chester prepared and mailed to the White House a proclamation calling for a special Senate session, ensuring that the Senate had legal authority to convene even if he died before reaching Washington. He then joined the funeral train as Garfield’s body was moved from New Jersey to Washington. On September 22 he re-took the oath of office before Chief Justice Morrison Waite to ensure procedural compliance; former presidents Ulysses Grant and Rutherford Hayes were present for the ceremony in the capitol. Chester took up residence at the home of Senator John Jones shortly afterwards and ordered remodeling of the White House, to include a 50-foot glass Tiffany screen.

Chester’s youngest sister Mary served as White House hostess during his time in office, and helped to care for the children. But sadly, Chester was diagnosed with Bright’s disease, an acute inflammation of the kidneys, shortly after becoming president. As Mark Twain noted, no duty was neglected on Chester’s watch, but due to his poor health he retired at the end of his term. He left the White House in March 1885 and returned to his home in New York City where he died November 18, 1886. His New York private funeral was attended by President Cleveland and former President Hayes; he is buried beside his wife in Albany Rural Cemetery in Menands, New York.

What Remains

Son Chester Alan Arthur II graduated Princeton and Columbia Law School but warned by Chester on his deathbed to “avoid politics,” Alan spent his life playing polo and traveling. He died in 1937. Daughter Ellen Arthur, who was only 15 when her father died, stayed out of politics as well; she died in 1915 at the age of 44.

The elegant Tiffany-filled Lexington Avenue brownstone that was the Arthur home for so many years today houses Kalustyan’s, a Mediterranean grocery store, on the first two floors, and apartments on the top three. It is the only surviving building in New York City where a president was sworn into office. The Tiffany screen Chester put into the White House entrance hall was removed in 1902 by President Teddy Roosevelt, who didn’t care for Victorian style; it was auctioned off and eventually installed in the Belvedere Hotel in Maryland, which burned to the ground in 1923.

The Presidential Succession Act of 1886 provided that in case of the removal, death, resignation or inability of both the President and Vice President, a cabinet officer “appointed by and with consent of the Senate and eligible to the office of president and not under impeachment” would act as President until the disability of the President or Vice-President is removed or a President shall be elected. This last provision replaced the 1792 provision for a double-vacancy special election, a loophole left for Congress to call such an election if that course seemed appropriate.


#20. Garfield, James A

Linda Lou Burton posting from Little Rock, Arkansas – James Abram Garfield (November 19, 1831 – September 19, 1881) was the 20th president of the United States, from March 4, 1881, until his death by assassination six and a half months later. Two words come to mind when I read the story of James’ life: What If? What if his presidency had lasted more than six months? He had high ideals – what impact might he have made on our country? What if x-ray had already been invented when he was shot? His wound wouldn’t even be considered serious today, and he wouldn’t have suffered the infection caused by endless probing with unsterilized fingers, and instruments. James Garfield overcame the poverty he was born into. He studied so hard and learned so much he graduated Phi Beta Kappa. He built a strong enough marriage with Lucretia Rudolph that they had seven children together, and she was there at his bedside during those last awful months.

Would I invite this man to my party? Probably not. A pallor of sadness hung over James Garfield. Things just didn’t seem to work out for him – and this was a guy who spoke Latin and Greek and had the mathematical talent to develop a trapezoid proof of the Pythagorean theorem! He once wrote “I lament that I was born to poverty, and in this chaos of childhood, seventeen years passed before I caught any inspiration … a precious 17 years when a boy with a father and some wealth might have become fixed in manly ways.”

Well It Was Lousy

Yes, James was born in a log cabin. He was the youngest of five children, and yes, his father Abram died shortly after he was born. Leaving his mother Eliza in a bad spot – so she remarried quickly, only to leave her second husband just as quickly (one could suspect he was not a kindly person). Divorce was scandalous in those days, and times were tough for the family. Eliza loved to tell James stories of their ancestors – especially the Welch side of the family, and the “knight of Caerffili Castle.” Outside of the house, James was bullied by the other kids; he escaped by reading every book he could find. At the age of 16 he left home.

He first found work on a canal boat, managing the mules. That was short-lived; he became ill and returned home where Eliza finally persuaded him to go to school. In 1848 his life began to shift – he enrolled at Geauga Seminary, where he became especially interested in languages and elocution, and wrote “I love agitation and investigation and glory in defending unpopular truth over popular error.” Of course he worked during his school years – he was a carpenter’s assistant, a janitor, and most frequently, a teacher. Lucretia Rudolph was a fellow student at Hiram College – James wooed her while teaching her Greek. And he had a religious awakening, got baptized in the Chagrin River, and attended many camp meetings. He also developed a regular preaching circuit. As he completed all a school had to offer, he moved on to the next until finally enrolling at Williams College in Massachusetts, where, as I mentioned, he graduated Phi Beta Kappa. A pretty darned good student.

He returned to Ohio as a “man of distinction” teaching at Hiram; in 1857 was made its president, and began to get involved in politics. He married Lucretia in 1858 (he was 27, she was 26), began to read law, and was admitted to the bar in 1861 at the age of 30.

Government Positions

  • Member of Ohio State Senate, 1859-61
  • Member of U.S. House of Representatives, 1863-80
  • Elected to United States Senate, 1880
  • President of the United States, 1881

Now here’s a quirky thing:

On election day, November 2, 1880, he was at the same time a member of the House, Senator-elect and President-elect. Lucky guy, you’d think! He hadn’t even sought out the presidency, and received only a few thousand more popular votes than Democrat Hancock. But that was enough – he was inaugurated as President of the United States March 4, 1881, along with his vice-president Chester Arthur. His predecessor Rutherford Hayes was there; James’ mother Eliza was there too – the first time a president’s mother had attended an inauguration. The Inaugural Ball at the beautiful new Smithsonian Arts and Industries Building that evening featured a large “Statue of America” in the museum’s rotunda; John Phillip Sousa directed the evening’s music. It should have been the start of something good. But something was awry from the first. James was an extremely competent public speaker, but his inaugural speech fell flat. And in only a few months, the unthinkable happened.

The End Was Too Close To The Beginning

On July 2, 1881, Charles J Guiteau shot and fatally wounded President James A Garfield in the lobby of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Depot in Washington, DC as he yelled, “I am a stalwart and Arthur is now President of the United States!” Guiteau blamed the president for not selecting him for a job at the US Consulate in Paris.

James’ presidency was cut so short there isn’t enough of a legacy to rank him among the worst and best. He was the last president to be born in a log cabin and one of the most well-read of our presidents. Maybe that childhood bullying toughened him up; as soon as he took office he pioneered the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act, making it a law that all government jobs be granted on the basis of merit and merit alone. And then was killed by a man wanting a job. At least, that’s part of the story.

President Garfield did not die immediately, but lingered for eleven weeks, during which time surgeons repeatedly attempted to find the bullet that had lodged in his back. In spite of Joseph Lister’s discoveries regarding the use of antiseptics in surgery, the practice of sterilization had not caught on, and Garfield’s wound was probed by many unwashed fingers. The resulting infection, not the bullet, caused Garfield’s eventual death on September 19, 1881. Vice president Chester A Arthur became president of the United States on September 20.

Addressing A Problem

Garfield’s incapacitation sparked a constitutional crisis, as the Cabinet was divided over whether the vice president should assume the office of the incapacitated president or merely act in his stead. It was not until 1967, with the passage of the Twenty-fifth Amendment to the Constitution, that the question of the succession of power was fully addressed. Today, the vice president assumes the office of president in the event that a sitting president is “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.”

In spite of Guiteau’s manifest insanity at his trial, his attorneys were unable to gain an acquittal on that basis—it was, however, one of the first uses of the modern insanity defense in a criminal court. After a six-month trial that sparked great public interest, Guiteau was found guilty and hanged on June 30, 1882.


James Abram Garfield was 50 years old when assassinated. Lucretia was 49 and the children were still young; Harry was 18, James 16, Mary 14, Irvin 11, and Abram 9 when they, and James’ mother Eliza, left the White House after their brief stay. A $350,000 trust fund was raised for Lucretia and the children by financier Cyrus Field. Eliza lived another seven years; Lucretia another 37; she was active in preserving the records of James’ career and creating a wing to the home that became a presidential library of his papers. Eliza is buried beside her husband in Roselawn Cemetery, Solon, Ohio. Lucretia is buried beside James in the James A Garfield Memorial, Lake View Cemetery, Cleveland, Ohio. Five terra cotta panels surround the balcony depicting James’ life; the last shows him lying in state in the Capitol rotunda. Lake Erie’s shore is visible, on a clear day.


#19. Hayes, Rutherford B

Linda Lou Burton posting from Little Rock, Arkansas – Rutherford Birchard Hayes (October 4, 1822 – January 17, 1893) was the 19th president of the United States, from 1877 to 1881. He was the first president to graduate from law school – Harvard Law School at that; the only one of the seven presidents who served in the Civil War who was wounded (more than once); and the first president to come into office after losing the popular vote. In fact, he almost wasn’t president at all. Remember, the country was still in a period of distress and reconstruction when Grant declined a third term.

On November 11, 1876, three days after election day, Democrat Tilden appeared to have won 184 electoral votes, one short of a majority. Republican Hayes appeared to have 166, with the 19 votes of Florida, Louisiana, and South Carolina still in doubt. After an Electoral Commission declared Hayes the victor, outraged Democrats attempted a filibuster to prevent Congress from accepting the findings. It took a compromise to move forward, a big compromise, which essentially stated that Democrats would acknowledge Hayes as president only if certain demands were met:

  • Removal of all remaining US military forces from Florida, Louisiana, and South Carolina.
  • Appointment of at least one Southern Democrat to Hayes’ cabinet.
  • Construction of another transcontinental railroad using the Texas and Pacific in the South.
  • Legislation to help industrialize the South and restore its economy.

On March 2, the filibuster ended, and on Saturday, March 3, Rutherford Hayes became the first president to be sworn in at the Red Room of the White House. This ceremony was held in secret under tight security, due to the bitter divisiveness of the election. The public ceremony took place on Monday, March 5, at the East Portico of the Capitol. The Presidential Oath of Office, in case you don’t know, is “I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” That is what Rutherford said that day, but when I review what he did for the next four years, and for all the years before, and after, I’m reminded of the Boy Scout Oath — I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country….to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.

And his wife Lucy was just the same. Yes, I’d invite them both to my party, and hope we’d become lifelong friends. Just listen to the way they lived their lives.


Rutherford Hayes had something in common with Andrew Jackson – his father died just weeks before he was born, and his mother never remarried. But the resemblance to their path to the presidency ends there. Sophia Hayes raised daughter Fanny and son Rutherford with the help of her brother, Sardis Birchard. Both the Hayes and Birchard families were descended from New England colonists – hardy stock. Rutherford was born in Delaware, Ohio and first went to common schools there; then to Webb School in Connecticut, a preparatory school where he studied Latin and Greek. Back to college in Ohio where he earned highest honors – graduating as class valedictorian. By then, he’d gotten interested in politics. So next step – Harvard Law School, of course. The year was 1843; Rutherford was 21 when he decided on that path. He was 23 when he graduated, was admitted to the Ohio bar, and opened his own law office.

A move to Cincinnati in 1850 put him just across the river from the slave state of Kentucky, and his focus changed from dealing primarily with commercial issues to criminal law. Ohio was a destination for escaping slaves, and Rutherford defended slaves who had been accused under the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850. He became a successful criminal defense lawyer and found the work personally gratifying, but it also was politically useful, as it raised his profile in the Republican Party. And socially, he joined the Literary Society, attended the Episcopal Church, and courted Lucy Webb. They married December 30, 1852 at her mother’s house – he was 30, she was 21.

I Love Lucy

Lucy Webb (1831-1889) and Rutherford Hayes first met at Ohio Wesleyan University. Lucy was 14. Yes, she was a smart girl, in fact, the first First Lady to have a college degree. She was too young for Rutherford at 14 (he was 23), but when they met again in Cincinnati, things changed. Lucy and Rutherford were members of the same wedding party the summer she was 19. It was one of those affairs where a gold ring was baked into the wedding cake as a prize. Perhaps a tradition like the bride tossing her bouquet? Rutherford got the piece of cake that had the ring, and he gave it to Lucy. After the two were engaged, she returned the ring to him, and he wore it for the rest of his life.

Too sentimental for a criminal defense lawyer who became president? Listen to what he wrote in his diary about her in 1851: “I guess I am a great deal in love with L(ucy). … Her low sweet voice … her soft rich eyes….She sees at a glance what others study upon….She is a genuine woman, right from instinct and impulse rather than judgment and reflection.”

And Then There Was a War

Rutherford was lukewarm about the idea of a civil war; as states began to secede after Lincoln’s election, his opinion was to “let them go.” His feelings changed after the attack on Fort Sumter however; he joined a volunteer company composed of his Literary Society friends. Things moved rapidly; he was promoted to major in the 23rd Regiment of Ohio Volunteer Infantry; the 23rd was assigned to western Virginia. War Hero stories now – Rutherford led several raids against rebel forces; sustained a knee injury and later, in northern Virginia, was shot through his left arm, fracturing the bone. With a handkerchief tied above the wound to stop the bleeding, he continued to lead his men. Hospitalized for a bit, he was back in the thick of it; the Shenandoah Valley Campaigns of 1864; Rutherford took a bullet to the shoulder; had a horse shot out from under him; and kept going. Victory after victory as they broke through Confederate lines; an ankle sprain when thrown from a horse; a bullet to his head from a spent round. His leadership and bravery drew attention; Grant wrote of him: “His conduct on the field was marked by conspicuous gallantry as well as the display of qualities of a higher order than that of mere personal daring.” In May of 1865 the 23rd returned to Ohio to be mustered out of service.

Government Positions

  • Member of U.S. House of Representatives, 1865-67
  • Governor of Ohio, 1868-72
  • Governor of Ohio, 1876-77
  • 19th President of the United States, 1877-1881

As a president coming into office with a Congress full of angry Democrats, Rutherford fought for several things that didn’t happen.

  • My task is to wipe out the color line, to abolish sectionalism, to end the war and bring peace,” he wrote in his diary. His efforts failed to persuade the South to accept legal racial equality or to convince Congress to appropriate funds to enforce the civil rights laws.
  • Civil service appointments had been based on the spoils system since Andrew Jackson’s presidency. Believing that federal jobs should be awarded by merit according to an examination, he was unable to convince Congress, but did issue an executive order forbidding federal office holders from being required to make campaign contributions or taking part in party politics.

Rutherford may have been blocked by Congress, but Lucy definitely made headway with things in the White House. Imagine moving into the White House after the war years –it was a mess! Lucy scrounged around in the attic and rearranged things to hide the holes in the carpets and drapes. Significant changes made to the White House during Hayes’ term were the installation of bathrooms with running water, but the biggest change involved the “billiard room,” a room that connected the house with the greenhouse conservatories. Lucy put the billiard table in the basement, opened the shuttered windows in the State Dining Room, and enlarged the greenhouses, offering guests a beautiful view. Every day flowers were brought in from the greenhouses to decorate the White House, and additional bouquets were sent to Washington hospitals.

Music was important to Lucy. Not only did famous musicians perform at White House events downstairs; they had informal “sings” upstairs in the family quarters. Lucy sang and played the guitar; the vice president and various cabinet members often played the piano and sang gospel songs. In general, Lucy had a casual family style; during the holidays, she invited staff members and their families to Thanksgiving dinner and opened presents with them on Christmas morning. Lucy allowed White House servants to take time off to attend school.

Lucy was the first First Lady to use a typewriter, a telephone, and a phonograph while in office. And she was fond of animals – a cat, a bird, two dogs and a goat were part of the Hayes family; remember, son Scott was 6 and daughter Fanny 10 at the time they moved in; three older sons were 19, 21 and 24. Reporters loved to write about Lucy; an article in the New York Herald said of her: “Mrs. Hayes is a most attractive and lovable woman. She is the life and soul of every party … For the mother of so many children she looks … youthful.”

Note: the White House during the Hayes’ stay was alcohol free. Rutherford made that decision early on, dismayed by drunken behavior he’d observed at receptions around Washington.


Rutherford kept his promise to serve only one term and the Hayes family returned to their Fremont, Ohio home, Spiegel Grove, in 1881. He became an advocate for educational charities and federal education subsidies for all children. He believed education was the best way to heal the rifts in American society and allow people to improve themselves. He emphasized the need for vocational, as well as academic, education: “I preach the gospel of work,” he wrote, “I believe in skilled labor as a part of education.” In 1889 he gave a speech encouraging black students to apply for scholarships from the Slater Fund, one of the charities with which he was affiliated. One such student, W. E. B. Du Bois, received a scholarship in 1892.

Lucy joined the Woman’s Relief Corps, attended reunions of the 23rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and entertained visitors to Spiegel Grove. She also became national president of the newly formed Woman’s Home Missionary Society of the Methodist Church. As president, she called attention to the plight of the urban poor and disenfranchised African-Americans in the South. She also spoke out against Mormon polygamy.

Lucy died on June 25, 1889 after suffering a stroke. She was 57 years old. Rutherford died of a heart attack on January 17, 1893, at the age of 70. They are buried side by side at Spiegel Grove. Also buried there is their dog Gryme and two horses — Old Whitey and Old Ned.

Good Scouts, to the end.


#18. Grant, Ulysses S

Linda Lou Burton posting from Little Rock, Arkansas – Ulysses S Grant (born Hiram Ulysses Grant; April 27, 1822 – July 23, 1885) was the 18th president of the United States, from 1869 to 1877. I won’t pull a Groucho Marx on you by asking “Who is buried in Grant’s Tomb?” but I wonder if you know WHY the tomb of Ulysses and Julia Grant is in New York City – Riverside Drive and W 122nd in Manhattan, to be exact. After all, he was born in Ohio and she was born in Missouri. Part of the answer is simply that’s where they were living when Ulysses died in 1885 and she wanted to easily be able to visit his grave. His only request was that his wife could be buried by his side, which left out military cemeteries (they didn’t accept women). But the clincher was this – within hours of Ulysses’ death, the Mayor offered New York as a burial place. Not long after the funeral, fundraising for a splendid monument began; the “military” design, based on Napoleon’s tomb, was completed in 1897, and Julia was buried beside her husband upon her death in 1902. The monument has been under the management of the National Park Service since 1958.

You might want to visit the site, because everything about the lives of Ulysses and Julia Grant is somewhat – unusual. Like the fact that Ulysses was a little guy, not the gigantor war hero I’d always envisioned. He was 5’2” when he arrived at West Point, although he did keep growing; the record books say he achieved 5’8” and about 150 pounds by the time he was president. And do you know why images of Julia are generally a profile view? She was cross-eyed. She was afraid of surgery in her younger days; when she became First Lady, she decided she should look better, but Ulysses objected: “Did I not see you and fall in love with you with these same eyes? I like them just as they are.” Sweet, and an example of the attraction between the two that had her following him around the country when he was fighting in wars! He wanted her near, and she wanted to be near. Ulysses S Grant is more remembered for his military accomplishments than his presidency, but he NEVER wanted a military career. Would I invite this man to my party? Yes, and Julia too. Their lives had more ups and downs than a Coney Island roller coaster, but they hung together to the end.

You’re In The Army Now

Ulysses liked horses. Father Jesse Grant was foreman of a tannery, which Ulysses didn’t like, so Jesse gave him the job of driving wagonloads of supplies during the years before he left for West Point in 1843, age 17. Ulysses was well-schooled by the time he got to West Point, and he did moderately well there, but enjoyed reading James Fenimore Cooper more than military texts. And, he studied art. He preferred watercolor; nine of his paintings exist today, in museums or private collections. Still, his greatest proficiency was with horses. So wouldn’t you know – when he graduated he didn’t receive a cavalry assignment; he was sent to Fort Barracks near St Louis, the largest military base in the west. The year was 1843, Ulysses was 21 years old. Four years of duty to fulfill my obligation, then resign and become a teacher – that was his plan.

Ulysses met Julia Dent ((1826-1902) while he was in Missouri; her brother Frederick was friends with Ulysses at West Point; he introduced them. Then Ulysses was sent off to fight in a war; something he definitely did NOT want to do. He was 24 when he found himself serving under Generals Zachary Taylor and Winfield Scott in the Mexican War. Here’s the timeline of what happened next:

  • 1848, age 26: Married Julia in Missouri, stationed in Michigan, then New York
  • 1850, age 28: Son Frederick born
  • 1852, age 30: Stationed in Oregon Territory, son Ulysses born
  • 1854, age 32: Stationed in California

By this point, well beyond the time he’d planned to be away from the demands of a military career, drinking got him out. He was at Fort Humboldt in California, a captain, when reprimanded for a drinking episode. He promised to resign if it happened again; it did, and he was finally out of the Army, no court martial, no bad mark against his name. Back to Missouri, reunited with his wife and two sons; and no job. The next seven years were not good.

Ulysses’ father offered him a job in his leather business, but demanded that Julia and the children remain with her family in Missouri. They declined that offer. Ulysses took up farming on his brother-in-law’s Missouri farm; but had to sell firewood on the street corners of St Louis to survive. Daughter Ellen was born that year. They moved to some land on the farm of Julia’s father and built a little cabin they named “Hardscrabble.” The Panic of 1857 was devasting to farmers; Ulysses sold his gold watch, rented out Hardscrabble, and moved to the plantation of Julia’s father. Suffering from malaria, he gave up farming, and son Jesse was born.

In 1859 Ulysses took a position in St Louis with Julia’s cousin, working in the real estates business as a bill collector. No success there either; he then applied for a position as county engineer, but was passed over because he was believed to share his father-in-law’s Democratic sentiments. By this time Ulysses’ father had turned the business of his many leather stores over to his sons, so Ulysses joined his brothers and moved his family to the store in Galena, Illinois. Ulysses did routine work, tended the books, and traveled to neighboring states to purchase green hides from local farmers. A reputable citizen now, he couldn’t vote in the 1860 election because he was not yet a legal resident of Illinois, but he favored Democrat Stephen Douglas over Abraham Lincoln. He was torn – he was strongly anti-slavery; Julia remained a staunch Democrat. Nevertheless, on April 15, 1861, the day after the attack on Fort Sumter, he answered Lincoln’s call for seventy-five thousand volunteers, and re-enlisted in the Army.

Let’s Get Together Again

At the beginning of the Civil War, Ulysses helped organize volunteers; then took command of the Illinois troops; was promoted to brigadier general; then major general. But he didn’t do this without Julia. Over the course of the Civil War Julia stayed with Ulysses during campaigns at Memphis, Vicksburg, Nashville, and Virginia. She covered more than 10,000 miles in four years to be with her husband. And she was accompanied by her slave. That’s right — the spouse of the leader of the Union Army fighting to preserve the Union and abolish slavery visited her husband’s encampments often, sometimes traveling alone and sometimes with their children in tow, who were watched over by Jule.

Julia grew up on a plantation with slaves, and “Black Julia” or “Jule,” as she came to be known, was with Julia from an early age. Julia wrote in her memoirs “When I visited the General during the war, I nearly always had Jule with me as a nurse. She came near being captured at Holly Springs.” At one point, Julia lived at Walter Place, an Antebellum mansion in Holly Springs, Mississippi. When Confederate General Earl Van Dorn raided the house, he was not permitted by the pro-Union owner to enter before she went outside, with Jule kept safe.

Lincoln realized how Julia’s presence affected her husband; he supported her visits. Letters between Julia and Ulysses show she was a trusted confidant; it was Julia’s suggestion that Ulysses invite President Lincoln, first lady Mary, and their son, Tad, to visit him at the front lines. On April 9, 1865, Ulysses S Grant accepted the surrender of Confederate General Robert E Lee at Appomattox Court House in Virginia, effectively ending the Civil War. The Lincolns invited the Grants to a play at the Ford Theater five days later, but they declined. How different history might have been had they gone! Ulysses S Grant was meant to be killed that evening too, but he was home with Julia.

After the War and Reconstruction

During the years of Johnson’s presidency, the Johnson-Grant relationship went from warm to icy cold; Johnson didn’t attend Ulysses inauguration on March 4, 1869. But Julia did; she was thrilled! She had been a major part of Ulysses’ campaign, though he had been reluctant to run.

After four years of war, Abraham Lincoln’s assassination, and Andrew Johnson’s impeachment trial, Washington was ready for someone like Julia. She gave lavish state dinners, and also received callers at informal receptions, with one stipulation – the women must wear hats, and the men must leave their weapons at home. She was devastated when Ulysses refused to run for a third term. But he was done; for eight years the issues of reconstruction had consumed the country; it wasn’t settled yet. The Compromise of 1877, signed in March, left the end of it squarely in the new president’s hands. (Rutherford B Hayes story next.)

Claiming “I was never so happy in my life!” Ulysses left Washington. By May he and Julia were off to England. They kept going, around the world, stopping in Europe, Africa, India, the Middle East, the Far East, meeting with dignitaries along the way. President Hayes considered them “unofficial diplomats” and provided transportation on US Navy ships – five months in the Mediterranean on the USS Vandalia; travel from Hong Kong to China on the USS Ashuelot; travel from China to Japan on the USS Richmond. They crossed the Pacific on the SS City of Tokio, escorted by a Japanese man-of-war, and landed in San Francisco in September of 1879, greeted by cheering crowds.

And the Grants were broke again.

Most of their savings were gone, but a wealthy friend bought them a home on Manhattan’s Upper East Side. Their son Buck (Ulysses Jr) had opened a Wall Street brokerage house there, and – long story short – things turned sour, Ulysses borrowed a huge sum of money to save the venture, but it still went bust. Ulysses sold off war mementos, handed over title to his house, began writing his memoirs, and was diagnosed with throat cancer. Frantic to make sure he left Julia with enough money to live on, he finished his memoirs just days before he died on July 23, 1885, at the age of 63.

This man was mourned. President Grover Cleveland ordered a thirty-day nationwide period of mourning. After private services, the honor guard placed his body on a special funeral train, which traveled to West Point and New York City; it was viewed by a quarter of a million people. Tens of thousands of men, many of them veterans, marched with the casket drawn by two dozen black stallions. His pallbearers included Union generals Sherman and Sheridan, Confederate generals Simon Bolivar Buckner and Joseph E. Johnston, Admiral David Dixon Porter, and Senator John A. Logan. Following the casket in the seven-mile-long procession were President Cleveland, the two living former presidents Hayes and Arthur, all of the President’s Cabinet, and the justices of the Supreme Court. Attendance at the funeral topped 1.5 million. Ceremonies were held in other major cities around the country, while Grant was eulogized in the press and likened to George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.

As for Julia – Mark Twain published The Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant which focused on Ulysses’ military career; he marketed it to veterans as Ulysses’ death was being mourned. Julia lived another 17 years, and received about $450,000 (equivalent to $12,800,000 today) in royalties.

You really should visit Grant’s Tomb.


#17. Johnson, Andrew

 Linda Lou Burton posting from Little Rock, Arkansas – Andrew Johnson (December 29, 1808 – July 31, 1875) was the 17th president of the United States, from 1865 to 1869. If Abraham Lincoln was handed a can of worms on his first day as president, Andrew Johnson was gifted with a bucket of snakes on his. Angry, viperous snakes. Andrew had to step in for a president who had just been shot in the back of the head; a horrible, bloody death. Andrew was hastily sworn in as leader of a country that was plagued with the roaring disease of hate, as hundreds of thousands lay dead due to civil war. But Andrew accepted the job. Here was a man who was born to illiterate parents, had no formal education, and had been hiding out for days after making a public fool of himself as a blubbering drunk. He doesn’t get credit for much as a president, but I doubt the Angel Gabriel himself could have done any better. I want you to remember three words about Andrew – Greeneville, tailor, and alcohol. First I’m going to tell you some things about Tennessee, my home state for over twenty years. It’s a skinny horizontal piece of land, with the Mississippi delta to the west, a plateau in the middle where Nashville sits, and Appalachian Mountains to the east. Often called the “three states of Tennessee” it is a good example of the differences in our country at the beginning of the Civil War – the plantation lands that depended on slave labor to function; the hardscrabble mountains where folks tackled life in a vastly different way, and the middle ground, where politicians gathered to govern the whole batch of it.


Greeneville is tucked into the mountains of northeast Tennessee, an area that once was the State of Franklin – almost. It is important to the Andrew Johnson story because he moved there when he was 18, met and married Eliza McCardle (1810-1876) there, and is buried there today. If you understand Greeneville, it may help you understand Andrew Johnson. Back in 1784, folks in these isolated mountains decided they didn’t have much in common with the rest of North Carolina, so they’d just be their own state. A petition for statehood was drawn but rejected by Congress. They tried again; the first state legislature met in December in a crude log courthouse in Greeneville and prepared a constitution. However, the Franklin movement began to collapse and North Carolina remained in control until 1790, when it ceded the land to the federal government. In 1796, when Tennessee became a state, that little area just south of Virginia and just north of North Carolina wound up becoming part of Tennessee. But still remote, and still feeling independent.


Andrew Johnson fell in love with Greeneville the first time he saw it. He loved it so much that later in life, when he had money enough to buy land, he bought the land he first camped on, and planted a tree right on the spot. I can understand that! Andrew was, literally, a “run-away slave.” In his birthplace town of Raleigh, North Carolina, his mother  apprenticed him to a tailor when he was 10; he was legally bound to serve until he was 21. He did benefit in the five years before he ran away – he learned the art of tailoring, and he developed a lifelong love of learning. People coming into the tailor shop read aloud to the tailors as they worked and Andrew loved to listen. He ran away after five years though, and a reward was posted for his return. Andrew feared being captured; he lived in South Carolina for a while, fell in love, and along with a proposal, made a quilt for his intended. A quilt! His proposal was rejected, so Andrew moved west, trudging through the Blue Ridge Mountains to Greeneville, Tennessee.

On the day in September 1826 when Andrew arrived in Greeneville, he was spotted by Eliza McCardle, who was outdoors chatting with classmates from Rhea Academy. They instantly took a liking to each other, and were married the following May at her mother’s home – he was 18, she was 16. (Mordecai Lincoln, a distant relative of Abraham Lincoln, performed the ceremony. A portent?)

Eliza was better educated than Andrew; she tutored him patiently while he worked in the tailor shop he’d opened in the front part of their home. “My work never ripped or gave way” was the way Andrew promoted his business; the business was successful, and so was their marriage. Eliza supported his endeavors and together they had five children – Martha, 1828; Charles, 1830; Mary, 1832; Robert, 1834; and Andrew Jr 1852.

And Andrew got interested in politics, progressing over the next 45 years in this way:

Government Positions

  • Served as Alderman of Greeneville, Tennessee, 1830-33
  • Elected Mayor of Greeneville, Tennessee, 1834
  • Member of Tennessee State Legislature, 1835-43
  • Member of US House of Representatives, 1843-53
  • Governor of Tennessee, 1853-57
  • United States Senator, 1857-62
  • Military Governor of Tennessee, 1862-65
  • Vice President, 1865 (under Lincoln)
  • 17th US President, 1865-1869
  • United States Senator, 1875


Yes, Andrew was a stumbling, bumbling drunk during his inauguration as vice president on March 4, 1865. He rambled on for ten minutes past his allotted speaking time, forgot names, and didn’t sit down till somebody tugged on his coat. He claimed later that he had typhoid fever and the doctor had prescribed the medication. President Lincoln commented, in response to criticism of his new vice president’s behavior, “I have known Andy Johnson for many years; he made a bad slip the other day, but you need not be scared; Andy ain’t a drunkard.” Nevertheless, after briefly presiding over the Senate, Andrew hid from public ridicule at a friend’s home in Maryland.

Alcohol may have embarrassed Andrew that day, but it saved him the very next month. You see, the plot to kill Abraham Lincoln included killing Andrew Johnson at the same time. George Atzerodt, a Prussian immigrant who owned a carriage repair shop in Maryland, met John Wilkes Booth in January 1865. And George agreed to kill Andrew Johnson on the night of April 14. That morning he booked a room at Kirkwood House, where Andrew was staying. But then he got cold feet, and spent the day at the hotel bar drinking. While Booth was taking care of business at the Ford Theater, George spent the night walking the streets of Washington in a drunken stupor, instead of killing Andrew Johnson. He admitted this in his trial which began May 1; he was hanged for his part in the conspiracy.

Three Little Words

So let’s say alcohol saved Andrew’s life for things he was destined to do. Let’s consider that his tailoring skills taught him how to piece scattered unmatched bits together into a useful whole (the quilt!) and to construct things that “never rip or give way.” Let’s add to that the strength that comes from growing up in a place where the very air he breathed was independent air. Maybe Andrew Johnson was the most qualified fellow to step in that day and try to pull the country back together. He gave it a shot. What would you have done? Would you invite this man to your party? I would.

Going Out

Andrew worked at it nonstop, but Andrew didn’t get invited back. Under his reign, the last battle was fought, all but three states were back in the Union — Virginia, Mississippi, and Texas – and reconstruction was well underway; Ulysses S Grant would shoulder that burden next. On Christmas Day 1868, Andrew issued a final amnesty, covering everyone, including Jefferson Davis; he also issued pardons for crimes. On his 60th birthday that December, Andrew threw a party for several hundred children – not including those of President-elect Grant, who said he would not allow his to go. On March 3, his last final day in office, Andrew hosted a large public reception at the White House. Grant had made it known he would not ride in the same carriage as the outgoing president, so Andrew refused to go to the inauguration at all. He headed for home.

During his time away, both Union and Confederate armies often used his Greeneville home as a place to stay and rest during their travel. Confederate soldiers left graffiti on the walls expressing their displeasure; Andrew had to renovate his home after returning from Washington.

Eliza suffered from tuberculosis and had not been an active First Lady; those duties were handled by daughter Martha. Martha and her husband maintained a farm near Greeneville; she lived until 1901. Son Charles became a doctor; he remained loyal to the Union. He joined the Middle Tennessee Union Infantry as an assistant surgeon but was thrown from his horse and killed at age 33. Daughter Mary’s husband served as colonel of the Fourth Tennessee Union Infantry during the war; they also maintained a farm in Tennessee. Son Robert became a lawyer and politician; he was a Colonel in the First Tennessee Union Cavalry, and private secretary to his father during his tenure as president. He committed suicide at age 35. Andrew Jr founded the Greeneville Intelligencer, but died at age 26.

Andrew was elected to the Senate in 1875, making him the only former president to serve in the Senate. He died five months into his term, on July 31, 1875, at the age of 66. Eliza died the following January.

The Andrew Johnson National Historic Site is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Properties include Johnson’s tailor shop at the corner of Depot Street and College Street. The site also maintains Johnson’s house on Main Street and the Andrew Johnson National Cemetery atop Monument Hill to the south. 



#16. Lincoln, Abraham

Linda Lou Burton posting from Little Rock, Arkansas – Abraham Lincoln (February 12, 1809 – April 15, 1865) was the 16th president of the United States from 1861 to 1865. I’m finding it very hard to write about Abraham Lincoln; for one, there’s probably been more written about this president than any; he was neither obscure nor forgettable. So I’m guessing there isn’t much about the man you don’t already know, or have an opinion about. And I’ve already written a lot about “Abe” – on the Journey I came upon his statue everywhere; in front of the capitol in Charleston, West Virginia, a pensive, sad figure that took research to determine if he was sad about the war, or family matters, or just suffering the general melancholia we’ve heard about. In Frankfort, Kentucky his statue stands in the capitol rotunda, with Jefferson Davis nearby. I found that not only odd, but strangely heartwarming – two men on different sides, in a position to communicate across the room. In Springfield, Illinois I got the full package – I visited his tomb, his home, his law office (where his kids romped around while he was absorbed in his work) and the topper of it all – the Disney version of Lincolnland, with holograph ghosts, cannon fire jolting your seat in the 4D show, and a modern-day telecast of the 1860 election, So I refer you to those posts rather than tell it all again; the links are at the end.

Instead, I’m focusing on four moments in time: his first inauguration, the Emancipation Proclamation, his second inauguration, and his funeral. I grew up in the south; a number of my ancestors served in the Confederate Army and a few in the Union Army; one family had sons serving in both, and two sons hiding in the woods to avoid either. Lincoln’s presidency was a time of heart-rending confusion and upheaval; a time when beliefs and behaviors learned at Daddy’s knee were brought into question. Not just actions were forced to change, but feelings about those actions. It was emotional. That’s the can of worms that came with Lincoln’s job.

1861: First Inauguration

Lincoln won 180 electoral votes on November 6, 1860. Seven deep-south states declared their secession from the Union and formed the Confederate States of America before he arrived in Washington for his inauguration. Word of an assassination conspiracy brought him into the city through Baltimore at midnight on a special train. The air was thick with rumors of “rebel plots” to assassinate or capture Lincoln before he took office. General Winfield Scott was charged with providing protection for Lincoln; he too received death threats. On the procession to the Capitol, Lincoln’s carriage was so closely surrounded by marshals and cavalry it was almost hidden from view.

Nevertheless, on March 4, 1861, Abraham Lincoln stood on the East Portico before a crowd of 25,000 and delivered his first address to a nation in trouble. Indicating that he’d leave aside matters of no special anxiety, he made these points:

  • Slavery: “I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so.”
  • Legal status of the South: “I have just taken an oath to preserve, protect, and defend the United States Constitution, which enjoins me to see that the laws of the Union are faithfully executed in all states, even those that have seceded.”
  • Use of force: “There will be no use of force against the South, unless it proves necessary to hold, occupy, and possess the property and places belonging to the federal government. If the South choses to actively take up arms against the Government, their insurrection will meet a firm and forceful response.”

Lincoln concluded his speech with a plea for calm and cool deliberation in the face of mounting tension throughout the nation. He assured the rebellious states that the Federal government would never initiate any conflict with them. Though most of the northern press praised the speech, it was met with contempt in the south.

1862: Emancipation Proclamation

The Federal government’s power to end slavery was limited by the Constitution. In June 1862, Congress passed an act banning slavery on all federal territory, which Lincoln signed. Privately, Lincoln concluded that the Confederacy’s slave base had to be eliminated. Publicly he said this:

My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union … I have here stated my purpose according to my view of official duty; and I intend no modification of my oft-expressed personal wish that all men everywhere could be free.

The Emancipation Proclamation became effective January 1, 1863 and affirmed the freedom of slaves in the ten states not then under Union control. With the abolition of slavery now a military objective, Union armies advancing south liberated three million slaves; enlisting former slaves became official policy. In a letter to Andrew Johnson, then military governor of Tennessee, Lincoln encouraged him to lead the way in raising black troops, stating: “The bare sight of 50,000 armed and drilled black soldiers on the banks of the Mississippi would end the rebellion at once.”

1865: Second Inauguration

The Republicans nominated Abraham Lincoln again in 1864, selecting Andrew Johnson as his running mate. Lincoln ran under the label of the new Union Party, to include War Democrats as well as Republicans. Lincoln pledged in writing that if he lost the election, he would still defeat the Confederacy before leaving the White House. His pledge was put into a sealed envelope; which he asked his cabinet members to sign. The pledge:

“This morning, as for some days past, it seems exceedingly probable that this Administration will not be re-elected. Then it will be my duty to so co-operate with the President elect, as to save the Union between the election and the inauguration; as he will have secured his election on such ground that he cannot possibly save it afterward.”

Sherman captured Atlanta in September. On November 8, the Lincoln/Johnson ticket won all but three states – Kentucky, Delaware, and New Jersey. Only twenty-five states participated in the election; of the seceded states Tennessee and Louisiana chose electors who voted for Lincoln; their votes were rejected by Congress. Three new states participated for the first time: Kansas, West Virginia, and Nevada. Of the 40,247 army votes cast, Lincoln received 76%.

On March 4, 1865, Lincoln delivered his second inaugural address. In it, he deemed the war casualties to be God’s will.

“Fondly do we hope—fervently do we pray—that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue, until all the wealth piled by the bond-man’s 250 years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash, shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said 3,000 years ago, so still it must be said, “the judgments of the Lord, are true and righteous altogether”. With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation’s wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan—to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations.”

Before Lincoln was sworn in, Vice President-elect Andrew Johnson took his oath of office in the Senate Chamber. Obviously inebriated, he later explained that he had been drinking to offset the pain of typhoid fever, but the press ridiculed him as a “drunken clown.” This was the first inauguration to be extensively photographed; one photo is thought to show John Wilkes Booth, a well-known actor and Confederate spy.

1865 Timeline: Assassination and Burial

  • On April 9 General Robert E Lee surrendered his Confederate troops to Ulysses S Grant, marking the beginning of the end of the Civil War.
  • On April 11 Abraham Lincoln gave a speech in which he promoted voting rights for blacks. John Wilkes Booth was there.
  • On the afternoon of April 14 Lincoln and Johnson met for the first time since the inauguration. John Wilkes Booth dropped by Kirkwood house that day and left his card with Johnson’s personal secretary with the message “Don’t wish to disturb you, are you home?”
  • On evening of April 14, Abraham and Mary Lincoln attended a play at Ford Theater. Our American Cousin was a comedy, a farce about an awkward, boorish-but-honest American, heading off to England to claim the family estate. John Wilkes Booth was there. He was familiar with the play, and waited for the line that he knew would draw loud laughter; when the character of Asa Trenchard says to Mrs Mountchessington: “Don’t know the manners of good society, eh? Well, I guess I know enough to turn you inside out, old gal – you sockdologizing old man-trap!” At that moment John Wilkes Booth entered the Lincoln box and shot Abraham Lincoln in the back of the head, then leapt onto the stage and escaped through the back to a horse he had left waiting in the alley. Lincoln was first attended by doctors there, then taken across the street to Petersen House. He remained in a coma for eight hours.
  • On April 15 at 7:22 AM Lincoln died. His flag-enfolded body was escorted in the rain to the White House by bareheaded Union officers as the city’s church bells tolled. Andrew Johnson was sworn in between 10 and 11 in the presence of most of the Cabinet. Between April 15-19 Lincoln’s body lay in state in the East Room of the White House.
  • On April 19 the coffin, attended by large crowds, was transported in a procession down Pennsylvania Avenue to the Capitol Rotunda, where a ceremonial burial service was held. The body again lay in state on the 20th and on the early morning of the following day a prayer service was held for the Lincoln cabinet officials.
  • On April 21 Lincoln’s coffin was removed to the depot and placed on a train, which traveled through 444 communities and seven states before arriving in Springfield, Illinois, for internment on May 4.
  • On April 26, John Wilkes Booth was caught and killed.

I’d like to talk more about Mary Todd Lincoln, and the Lincoln boys. Back in the happier days of “life in Springfield” when the boys were small, and romping around the little town, I would have invited the whole family over for dinner; a picnic maybe.

But then, everything got so sad.

For Lighter Reading

The Citizen Key, Charleston, West Virginia https://capitalcitiesusa.org/?p=8362#

An April Afternoon, Frankfort, Kentucky  https://capitalcitiesusa.org/?p=9950#

Honestly Abe, Springfield, Illinois  https://capitalcitiesusa.org/?p=9141#