Archive for September 8th, 2012


Across The River

From A Hilltop in Fort Pierre

Linda Burton posting from Pierre, South Dakota – From missionaries to movie makers, fur traders to cattle ranchers, expeditionists to archeologists, they have come to Fort Pierre. Fort Pierre lies just across the Missouri River from the capital city of Pierre, but it’s a major crossing, moving you back in time. Literally, right in the middle of the river you change from the Central Time Zone into Mountain Time. And with a little imagination, you can historically go back hundreds of years. Can you imagine the Lakota Sioux living here, with hundreds of tipis and thousands of buffalo spreading over the hills? Can you imagine two brothers from France digging a hole high on a hill above the river in the dark of night, and burying a secret? Can you imagine Meriwether Lewis and William Clark stepping ashore to explore the golden hillsides for flora and fauna, documenting the west? You can still see buffalo herds today, and that secret object that was buried high on that hill. You can see artifacts and remnants left by the adventurers of long ago, and you can walk their path. And if your imagination is lacking, you can rent movies that will recreate the scenes before your very eyes. » read more