Archive for July 30th, 2012


Business and the BFF’s

Linda Burton posting from Edmonds, Washington while traveling between Juneau, Alaska and Helena, Montana – Okay, okay, capital cities are great, and two-year journeys across the entire United States are awesome. But sometimes you need to stop and take care of business. It had been six months since I last visited the dentist at home in Alabama; how fortunate that my former dentist from Seattle days could schedule me in today! Taking care of business. And the Scion; another 5,000 miles have added up since that Austin, Texas checkup at Charles Maund Toyota back in March, so a visit to Magic Toyota in Edmonds was on tap too. It’s all about maintenance. But the most important item on the ticket is touching base with friends. It’s been almost three years since I left the Pacific Northwest; but super news, Carmelita and Jennifer both can get together with me in my waning hours before I start driving east again. » read more