Archive for May 17th, 2012


It’s Not Nothing

Linda Burton posting from Boise, Idaho  – Who could get a standing O before he even said a word? Jerry Seinfeld, to be sure. He ran onto the stage, went past the mike, then stopped, and turned, and crazily assumed an almost-chicken pose, a rooster walk; one foot in the air behind, his head extended to the front, a Kramer kind of move. The crowd jumped up and down, we jiggle danced in happiness. Jerry’s here and we will laugh tonight, for sure. And so we did. He talked for 90 minutes straight, every word hilarious. Every single word. What did he talk about? Nothing. His trademark topic. Nothing. I laughed so hard the muscles of my face just quit on me, gave up, not used to that. I finally had to settle for a belly laugh behind a neutral look. The man behind me stuck to words; “Awesome,” he repeated, again and again. I’m sitting on Row I, the 15th seat; and I can see just fine; as Jerry paces to and fro on the stage of the Morrison Center for the Performing Arts at Boise State University; two thousand people packed it full tonight. » read more